We will be remembered for this

I have a lot of smart friends. I have a lot of friends who feel passionately about what has happened over the last five years – on both sides. I have no idea how anyone can support the Trump family. However, I do have some idea about how government works; some idea about how pyramid schemes and corporate entities work; some idea about how utilities and broadcast media work; some idea about how healthcare sciences and technology work; Thanks to my husband some idea about the military works and thanks to my college friend, some idea about how the courts work.

I built this foundation of knowledge and understanding over time – through experience, good and bad – but always valuable. All of that experience has taught me the majority of people who raise their voices and fists into the air demanding immediate change do not share this knowledge and understanding – they could not – because meaningful change takes time and collaboration. One cannot dictate common sense or fidelity.

For instance, few “patriots” know that George Washington did not become president (the first in our nation’s history, in case you don’t recognize the name) for 13 full years after the Declaration of Independence was signed. So much work and loss of life was required to create the documents that are discussed today.

Fewer still are aware that it was Lyndon B Johnson (another president, a good ole boy from Texas) who signed the Civil Rights Act — after I was born. [I’m not that old.]

For folks on both sides of the fight, nobody gets unless somebody gives. If you don’t like paying taxes, then don’t ask for ‘extra’ stuff from your government. If you are pissed off about the healthcare system, stay out of it (and I strongly suggest you take up walking and give up red meat – just sayin’).

For those of you who have opposed Trump, and think Biden is only the lesser of two evils, please go back to school. Study Public Policy or Foreign Relations or Epidemiology or Farsi & Mandarin or Civics (I’d be happy with just Civics.).

For those of you who support Trump and think Democrats are traitors or better, communists, I strongly encourage you to study Business Management to include the careers of Buckminster Fuller, Lee Iacoca, George Washington Carver and Warren Buffet or Political & American History or Russian and Korean or Civics (I’d be happy with just Civics.)

Listen, you can even pick your text book authors. It doesn’t matter if they fully explain Jim Crow or they focus on slavery as the competitive advantage that white businessmen had before Lincoln became president. I’m happy to let you sit in your decisive beliefs – if you’re willing to add some facts and understanding to your portfolio.

The understanding that I’m sure you’ll find is that extraordinary achievement requires the principles of Courage, Patience and Humility. It takes vision and time; it requires the support of intelligent, hard working and patient people. Mistakes will be made along the way and the consequences for those mistakes must be humbly accepted. Finally, I find Integrity and Service to be the last two pieces required to truly change the tide for the long-term.

There are men and women of honor who have stayed the course and incorporated the ideas and participation of others into their vision – and by doing so, sharing the achievement. Their names are emblazoned on buildings, not at their request or by their order – but by a grateful nation to celebrate the contributions they have made to society, inclusion rather than exclusion is part of their success.

These are facts. History teaches us who is most highly valued by their territories, countries and tribes. Never confuse value with celebrity. To be famous regardless of harms done or infamous because of harms done regardless of what a “good person they were” does not build community or support economic growth. The infamous do not care for your children or your children’s children. They feel nothing when you lose everything – or anything. Their name is their vision and those who serve it are commended and those who defy it are ridiculed and banished.

I don’t have to tell you who I think Trump is – he shows us all every day who he is and what is important to him. I pray that you see who you are in his reflection; who you really are. Some years ago I saw myself hurting someone I loved. in real time, out of selfishness and fear. Finally, I was ready for the reveal because for years I had prayed daily for God to show me what He wanted for me. I was not prepared for the shame that came with the stark truth of my years of unwillingness; my years of being “right”.

That said, if you do not care to be revealed to yourself and you refer to yourself as a Christian or a Spiritual Being, my belief is that God, as you understand God, will get your attention – it will not look the way you think it should and it will not be pleasant. But God gives us all opportunities to reclaim our Spiritual Integrity and our Highest Good…I have hope for all of us. Every single brother and sister I have on this planet. Even him…no matter what he has done, what he believes, what he has said or what he has planned. There is hope for him, for all who surround and support him and for us, as children of the Divine Creator – as hard as it may be for me to see that potential on any given day.

May we each get exactly what we deserve – May we have the Grace to endure it.
May God light your way – always.

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