- He pulled American troops from protecting a people who share American values and protected America lives.
- He made space for the slaughter of those people, our allies.
- He allowed Isis rebels and their families to escape.
- He warned the country he had made the deal with not to do what the country was planning to do all along.
(I think on Law & Order they call that an Accessory After the Fact.)
I am sickened with rage and shame.
I am infuriated by those who still support him.
I feel betrayed by most of our nationally elected officials.
Yes, he appears to do some good things, especially where veterans are concerned – but he gives with one hand while he takes with the other.
- I want the media outlets to say it in more plain terms.
- I want other nations to say it out loud: America betrays its allies.
- I want Americans to acknowledge that this president is more interested in personal power than he is in the long-time security of our country.
- He doesn’t believe in the threat Isis poses so takes no care to insure their containment.
- He denies climate change.
- He makes gun ownership easier for the mentally challenged.
- He demands personal loyalty with no regard for loyalty to the Constitution.
- He takes no responsibility for the mistakes made by his Administration.
Many days, I sit in doubt…what am I missing? Who believes him – and why? Who can trust and believe the language that he uses? How is Captain Superlative leading the once most powerful country in the world? Who voted for him? How can they still support him?!
This line of questions usually devolves into a much bigger, sad story of false faces and closet haters.
When my sadness gives way to anger, I am lost, utterly lost. But then I remember my brothers and sisters of color have lived with this anger for their entire lives; personal, deadly, institutionalized, and government-sanctioned injustice. They have been betrayed by their government over and over again – while being told they should be patient, progress is being made, etc. So many politicians have preferred to betray an entire minority population than upset their power base.
Now we, the American workers, the infrastructure of this country are being sold out for the bank accounts of the 1%. The future of this earth is being sold for 2020’s profits. I remember that and then think, suck it up, white girl, and work for change. It’s been a long, slow take-over, it may be a long, slow recovery. I have to keep looking for facts and sharing the truth – and risking the ire of those who may feel uncomfortable with those choices.
So I’m not the one to turn to when Trump makes a bad joke at the expense of the Climate, because it isn’t. I’m not the one to turn to when Trump works the sympathy angle (by following the teleprompter), because he isn’t. I’m not the one to turn to when he is betrayed by members of his own team, because he wasn’t.
Today the patriots are the whistleblowers, truth tellers – they are the real Americans. There is a rebellion brewing but it’s based on many of the same principles that our founding fathers were fighting for – with freedom and justice for all.