I know Biden is not quite across the finish line, but…the outcome for the country is clear. We are divided nearly in half. I had a couple of thoughts about the US divide in the1700s, the 1860s and the US divide today. At the time of the first Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia they believed slavery to be an economic problem. Then, in the days of Lincoln, they demanded the same. But by then, so many Americans had changed their thinking; they understood that white citizens were abusing and slaughtering black citizens – denying human beings basic rights called for in our very own Declaration of Independence.
The South would not concede those self-evident truths – and there was a Civil War. And then…Americans began to tell and retell a story about what it really meant to be black: Inferior mental capabilities, lack of self control, inability to function in the world without guidance, a happy satisfaction serving the white man and other wild fallacies that fearful people were happy to hold on to – keeping them in the dark their ancestors built for them. And over time, the economic structure that required the free labor of enslaved people fell far away into the past, while those lies, and the hatred and ignorance that comes with them, took root.
Of course, this is not true for all people of the south…many people have learned, grown, made living amends and brought more hope, love and kindness into the world.
For the people who will change the subject when asked about the facts of these last four years and tell you that we have to “save America” from those liberals, they have built their lives on the foundation of delusion and division.
“What would the Master do?” This question has nothing to do with slavery. This question has everything to do with Christianity. So many, nearly the majority, of our Rebel flag-flying brothers and sisters, would tell you they were Christian. RUFKM? They may be christian, with a lower-case C – they may even attend church regularly. They may own a bible (or two); They may tithe; Bring a dish to every pot luck; they could be baptised, hell, even deacons – but based on the teachings of Christ – they are in no way “Christians”.
Just for fun, I searched the Internet for characteristics of a Christian. Here’s what I found:
Good-natured, kindhearted, warmhearted, caring, affectionate, loving, warm; considerate, helpful, thoughtful, obliging, unselfish, selfless, good, attentive; compassionate, sympathetic, understanding, benevolent, benign, friendly, neighborly, hospitable, well meaning…
But this was my favorite:
Integrity, honesty, responsibility, respect, compassion, love, joy, peace – all must be in total agreement with the teachings of God’s Word. Every trait on a list of Christian character traits must be objective.
MUST BE OBJECTIVE. Meaning, those traits must be clearly identifiable no matter the audience. Again…nary a capital “C” Christian among them.
[OK, we get it, what’s your point?]
My point is, what once might have been a fight for industry/commerce has turned into an evil, degrading, murderous community/population exhibiting anti-Christian values in the name of their religion.
It’s the people, stupid…the people who refuse to bring the simple and universal truth into their consciousness – all human beings are created equal – and they make choices about how to live their lives.
Mending this divide will require outrageous patience, LOVE, and forgiveness.
The best definition of forgiveness I have ever heard: Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past.
That is our work along with find ways to move forward together. I am resolved to take the lead of our President-soon-to-be-elect. I hope you will join us.